Religion and Vegetarianism Bibliography | |
(Religions are listed alphabetically.)
Kapleau, Philip, To Cherish All Life: A Buddhist Case for Becoming
Vegetarian, The Zen Center, Rochester, 1981, 104 pages. This is the
standard work on Buddhism and vegetarianism by a highly respected
American Zen master who studied for 13 years in Japan and returned home to
found the Rochester Zen Center. In it, Kapleau Roshi discusses the Buddhist
view of animals, the first precept ("Do not kill"), the
Buddha's diet, and other key issues. Available from the Rochester Zen
Center, 7 Arnold Park, Rochester, NY 14607-2082, 716-473-9180,
"Meat: To Eat it or Not: A Debate on Food and Practice" in Tricycle: The
Buddhist Review, Volume IV, Number 2, Winter 1994, pg. 49. The views of ten
prominent Buddhists, ranging from the Buddha to Philip Glass, on
whether Buddhism allows meat eating.
Page, Tony, Ph.D., Buddhism and Animals: A Buddhist Vision of Humanity's
Rightful Relationship with the Animal Kingdom, UKAVIS Publications, London,
1999, 297 pages. Relying on extensive citations from the early scriptures of
both major schools of Buddhism, Theravada and Mahayana, Dr. Page builds an
impressive case that the Buddhadharma calls us to abandon all forms of animal
exploitation. Includes background material that will be helpful to
non-Buddhists. Available from the United Kingdom Anti-Vivisection Information
Service (UKAVIS), P.O. Box 4746, London, SE11 4XF, England.
Page, Tony, Ph.D., What Does Buddhism Say About Animals?, UKAVIS,
London, 1998, 31 pages. Intended primarily for older children and
teenagers, this booklet presents in simple, straightforward terms the
Buddhist arguments for not exploiting animals. Available from UKAVIS.
Phelps, Norm, The Great Compassion: Frequently Asked Questions About Buddhism
and Animal Rights, The Fund for Animals, 2002, New York. This is the second booklet in
The Fund for Animals' series, Frequently
Asked Questions About Religion and Animal Rights. Arguing that Buddhist
teachings on the true nature of reality,
reincarnation, and compassion require a vegan diet and respect for the
rights of animals, Phelps answers questions such as "What does Buddhism teach
about animals?" "Did the Buddha teach Vegetarianism?" and "Doesn't the Dalai
Lama eat meat?"
Weintraub, Eileen, "Life as a Vegetarian Tibetan Buddhist Practitioner:
A Personal View," in Satya, Catherine Clyne, editor-in-chief, Volume VI,
Issue 8, May 2000, pg. 29. Weintraub, an American Buddhist who has
studied in China and Tibet, discusses the historical reasons why most
Tibetans eat meat, and calls upon Buddhists to adopt a vegetarian diet
to "help slow the grinding wheels of samsara, bringing to a halt the
cycles of suffering of the entire animal realm . . ."
Akers, Keith, The Lost Religion of Jesus: Simple Living and Nonviolence
in Early Christianity, Lantern Books, New York, 2000, 260 pages. Using ancient
Christian sources, a pioneering vegetarian scholar (A Vegetarian Sourcebook,
Vegetarian Press, 1983) argues that the original teaching of Jesus was based
on nonviolence, voluntary poverty, opposition to animal sacrifice, and
vegetarianism. Solidly researched, this is one of the most important books
about the "historical Jesus" since Schweitzer published The Quest for the
Historical Jesus a century ago. Foreword by Walter Wink.
Dear, John, S.J., Christianity and Vegetarianism: Pursuing the
Nonviolence of Jesus, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals,
Norfolk, VA, undated, 18 pages. An articulate introduction to
vegetarianism as Christian practice by a Roman Catholic priest who is a
longtime peace activist. Father Dear sees vegetarianism as an essential
component of a life based on the principles of nonviolence.
Click here for details.
Free, Ann Cottrell, editor, Animals, Nature, and Albert Schweitzer,
Flying Fox Press, Washington, D.C., 1988, 83 pages. Quotations from the
advocate of "reverence for life," organized by subject and including
sensitive and informative commentary by the editor.
Friedrich, Bruce, and Andrew Linzey, "Was Jesus a Vegetarian?" in The
Animals' Agenda, Kim Stallwood, editor-in-chief, Volume 20, Number 1,
January-February, 2000, pg. 22. Friedrich, a practicing Roman Catholic
and director of vegetarian campaigns for People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals, and Linzey, the prominent Anglican animal rights
theologian, debate the issue of Jesus' diet and its significance for
Christian animal advocates.
Hyland, J.R., God's Covenant With Animals: A Biblical Basis for the
Humane Treatment of All Creatures, Lantern Books, New York, 2000, 107 pages.
A completely revised and updated edition of Reverend Hyland's (she is an ordained evangelical minister)
groundbreaking The Slaughter of Terrified Beasts (Viatoris Ministries, 1988),
with four new chapters added. Focusing primarily on animal sacrifice, God's
Covenant also deals insightfully with
vegetarianism and other issues.
Johnson, Kenneth E., M.D., Mormon Wisdom and Health: A Medical Review of
Mormon Doctrine, Cedar Fort, Inc, Springville, UT, 1993, 145 pages.
Demonstrates why, for reasons of health and religious doctrine, Mormons
should be vegetarians. Foreword by Neal Barnard, M.D.
Kinmont, Joyce, Diet Decisions for Latter-day Saints, Archive
Publishers, Grantsville, UT, 1999, 159 pages. Argues on Biblical,
theological, historical, and health grounds that Mormons are called to
be vegetarians. Available from Latter Day Saint Home Education
Association, 2770 South 1000 West, Perry, UT, 84302, (no official
connection to LDS church).
Linzey, Andrew, Christianity and the Rights of Animals, Crossroad
Publishing, New York, 1991, 197 pages. This is the classic presentation
of a Christian theology of animal rights. In it, Doctor Linzey, an
Anglican priest who holds the chair of Christian theology and animal
welfare at Mansfield College, Oxford University, argues that our
dominion over animals gives us a "priestly function" to nurture and
protect them, which we pervert when we exploit them for our own benefit or
Linzey, Andrew, Animal Theology, University of Illinois Press, Urbana,
1995, 214 pages. Reverend Linzey argues for a "theology of generosity"
according to which "the uniqueness of humanity consists in its ability to
become the servant species . . . as co-participants and co-workers with God
in the redemption of the world." From this perspective, he provides critiques
of various forms of animal exploitation, including hunting, meat eating,
vivisection, and genetic engineering.
Linzey, Andrew, Animal Gospel, Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, KY,
1998, 171 pages. Less formal and more personal than Reverend Linzey's earlier
books, this is a collection of 16 essays on subjects such as "Animal rights
as religious vision," "Why church teaching perpetuates cruelty," and
"Christ-like ministry to other creatures." The first essay, "Overview: Gospel
Truths About Animals," is an excellent introduction to animal rights as
Christian practice.
Linzey, Andrew, "Christianity and Animals," in The Way of Compassion:
Survival Strategies for a World in Crisis, Martin Rowe, editor, Stealth
Technologies, New York, 1999, page 37. A brief, but interesting,
discussion of the role and status of animals in Christianity.
Skriver, Carl Anders. The Forgotten Beginnings of Creation and
Christianity (Denver: Vegetarian Press, 1990). 175 pages. Skriver gives a
vegetarian theological interpretation to the first chapters of Genesis,
discussing Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and Noah. He argues that Jesus
continued the vegetarian beginnings of creation in the tradition of the
prophets who protested animal sacrifices and the vegetarian and pacifist
Vaclavik, Charles. The Vegetarianism of Jesus Christ: The Pacifism,
Communalism, and Vegetarianism of Primitive Christianity (Three Rivers,
California: Kaweah Publishing Company, 1987). 352 pages. Vaclavik argues
for Jesus' vegetarianism, saying that Jesus was in the tradition of Jewish
Pythagoreanism, and that the early Christians also practiced communalism
and pacifism.
Webb, Stephen H., Good Eating: The Bible, Diet, and the Proper Love of
Animals, Brazos Press, 2001, Grand Rapids, MI, 272 pages. Webb advocates
vegetarianism as a Christian practice closely connected to fasting. Opposed
to animal rights, which he views as incompatible with Biblical and Christian
teaching on the nature of creation and humanity's place in it, he advocates
vegetarianism and compassionate treatment of animals as expressions of
Christian faith and stewardship. "The unexamined meal," he tells us, "is not
worth eating."
Webb, Stephen H., On God and Dogs: A Christian Theology of Compassion for
Animals, Oxford University Press, New York/Oxford, 1998, 222 pages. An
insightful examination by a Protestant theologian of our proper relationship
to animals in the light of Christian history and theology. Focusing primarily
upon companion animals, Webb argues against natural rights in favor of an
"ethic of compassion" that interprets "the crucifixion as the demand to end
all involuntary sacrifices . . ."
White, Ellen G. "Flesh As Food," in The Ministry of Healing (Mountain
View, California: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1974), p.
205-209. Ellen White is the founder and prophet of the Seventh-day
Adventist movement, and in this short essay she outlines the ethical
reasons why we should not eat meat. Click here for an excerpt.
Young, Richard Alan, Is God a Vegetarian? Christianity, Vegetarianism,
and Animal Rights, Open Court, Chicago, 1999, 187 pages. A thorough
analysis of the Bible's teachings on vegetarianism and animal rights by
a Baptist theologian. Young's conclusion is that "The Bible neither
commands nor condemns vegetarianism. It is left as a choice. However, as we
locate our story in God's story, it is difficult to avoid the
implication that vegetarianism is the best dietary choice for
Masri, Al-Hafiz Basheer Ahmad. Animals in Islam. Petersfield, England:
Athene Trust, 1989. 212 pages. A detailed analysis of the Qur'an and
Islam as it relates to animals.
Ahmed, Rafeeque. Islam and Vegetarianism. Awaiting full bibliographic details.
Chapple, Christopher Key, Nonviolence to Animals, Earth, and Self in
Asian Traditions, State University of New York Press, 1993, Albany, NY, 146
pages. Chapple traces the concept of "ahimsa," "nonviolence,
harmlessness," in the Indian religions to the pre-Aryan Indus Valley
Civilization, whose writing has yet to be deciphered. He considers
Jainism, and to a lesser degree Buddhism, to be the preservers and
propagators of this lost religion. Chapple analyzes the role of ahimsa,
including nonviolence toward animals, in Jainism, Buddhism, and
Hinduism, and considers its relevence for reforming Western
Vijayji, Muni Nandibhushan, "Non-Violence in Action," in The Way of
Compassion: Survival Strategies for a World in Crisis, Martin Rowe,
editor, Stealth Technologies, 1999, pg. 25. A Jain priest gives a brief
(four pages) but clear explanation of the Jain teaching of nonviolence
toward all living beings. An excellent introduction to the Jain teaching
on animals.
Berman, Louis, Vegetarianism and the Jewish Tradition. New York: K'tav, 1982.
The book is relatively short (the main text is only 72 pages) but it is a
pioneering work that advocates vegetarianism based on strong Jewish mandates
related to health, compassion for animals, and sharing with hungry people.
Bleich, Rabbi J. David, "Vegetarianism and Judaism," Tradition, Vol. 23, No.
1 (Summer, 1987). This article can also be found in Bleich, Rabbi J. David,
Contemporary Halakhic Problems. Volume III. New York: Ktav, 1989, 237-250b.
This noted Torah scholar and professor at Yeshiva University, a critic of
vegetarian activism, concedes that "Jewish tradition does not command
carnivorous behavior" and that meat "may be eschewed when there is not desire
and a fortiori, when it is found to be repugnant."
Cohen, Rabbi Alfred, "Vegetarianism From a Jewish Perspective," Journal of
Halacha and Contemporary Society, Vol. I, No. II (Fall, 1981). This article
can also be found in Kalechofsky, Roberta, Judaism and Animal Rights:
Classical and Contemporary Responses. Marblehead, Massachusetts: Micah
Publications, 1992, 176-194. Important, comprehensive article by an Orthodox
scholar; while taking a somewhat equivocal position toward ethical
vegetarianism, Rabbi Alfred Cohen provides sources that show that Jews need
not eat meat at any time.
Cohen, Noah J., Tsa'ar Ba'alei Chayim - The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,
Its Bases, Development, and Legislation in Hebrew Literature. New York:
Feldheim, 1979. Thorough survey of the laws and lore relating to animals and
their treatment in the Jewish tradition. Contains many applications of
tsaâ'ar ba'âalei chayim, the Torah mandate to avoid causing any unnecessary pain to
animals. It also contains a defense of "shechitah" - the Torah's method of
ritual slaughter.
Green, Joe, The Jewish Vegetarian Tradition. South Africa: 1969. Fine
discussion of many aspects in the Jewish tradition, such as compassion for
animals, which point toward vegetarianism as a Jewish ideal.
Green, Joe. "Chalutzim of the Messiah -- The Religious Vegetarian Concept as
Expounded by Rabbi Abraham Isaac HaKohen Kook" (text of a lecture given in
Johannesburg, South Africa). Outline of some of Rav Kook's vegetarian
Kalechofsky, Roberta, Vegetarian Judaism. Marblehead, Massachusetts: Micah
Publications, 1998. Updated, comprehensive analysis of reasons Jews should
adopt vegetarianism. Has extensive coverage of several recent
vegetarian-related issues, including mad-cow disease, genetically modified
foods, and antibiotics in animal feed.
Kalechofsky, Roberta, editor. Rabbis and Vegetarianism: An Evolving Tradition
. Marblehead, Massachusetts: Micah Publications, 1995. The 17 rabbis with
articles in the anthology are a varied group: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform,
and Reconstructionist; male and female; modern and from previous generations;
recent converts to vegetarianism as well as long-time proponents.
Kalechofsky, Roberta, A Boy, A Chicken, and The Lion of Judea - How Ari
Became a Vegetarian. Marblehead, Massachusetts: Micah Publications, 1995.
How a Jewish boy in Israel overcomes family and peer-pressure to "take charge
of his stomach."
Kalechofsky, Roberta, Vegetarianism and the Jewish Holidays. Marblehead,
Massachusetts: Micah Publications, 1993. (Green Mitzvah Booklet) Questions
and answers about vegetarian connections to Jewish festivals. Recipes are
Kalechofsky, Roberta, editor. Judaism and Animals Rights: Classical and
Contemporary Responses. Marblehead, Massachusetts: Micah Publications,1992. A
wide varieties of articles on animal rights, vegetarianism, animal
experimentation, from the perspective of Judaism.
Kalechofsky, Roberta, Haggadah For the Vegetarian Family. Marblehead,
Massachusetts, Micah Publications, 1988. Good material for the Passover Seder
for families with children.
Kalechofsky, Roberta, Haggadah for the Liberated Lamb. Marblehead,
Massachusetts: Micah Publications, 1985. Resource material for conducting a
vegetarian Passover seder, with supplementary readings.
Kook, Rabbi Abraham Isaac HaKohen, A Vision of Vegetarianism and Peace
(Hebrew). This includes an English translation, an introduction, and a
summary by Rabbi Jonathan Rubenstein. The vegetarian philosophy of this great
Jewish leader and thinker who was Chief Rabbi of pre-state Israel.
Kook, Rabbi Abraham Isaac HaKohen, "Fragments of Light: A View as to the
Reasons for the Commandments," in Abraham Isaac Kook, Collected Works, edited and translated by Ben Zion Bokser, New York; Paulist
Press, 1978. A summary of Rav Kook's thoughts on vegetarianism.
Pick, Philip, ed., The Tree of Life: An Anthology of Articles Appearing in
The Jewish Vegetarian, 1966-1974. New York: A. S. Barnes, 1977.
A wide variety of essays and editorials from the Jewish Vegetarian on many
aspects of the relationship between Judaism and vegetarianism.
Raisin, Jacob A., Humanitarianism of the Laws of Israel: Kindness to Animals.
Jewish Tract 06, Cincinnati, Ohio: Union of American Hebrew Congregations.
Concise summary of laws in the Jewish tradition relating to kindness to
Schochet, Rabbi Elijah J., Animal Life in Jewish Tradition. New York: K'tav,
1984. Thorough, well-documented consideration of all aspects of animal
issues, from a traditional perspective by a Conservative pulpit rabbi and
Schwartz, Richard H., Judaism and Vegetarianism. New York: Lantern, 2001,
updated and revised version of book that argues that the realities of
animal-based diets and modern intensive animal-based agriculture violate
Jewish mandates to preserve health, treat animals compassionately, protect
the environment, conserve natural resources, help hungry people, and pursue
peace. Many questions commonly asked of Jewish vegetarians are addressed.
Schwartz, Richard H., Judaism and Animal Issues. Marblehead, Massachusetts:
Micah Publications, 1993. (Green Mitzvah Booklet), questions and answers on
Jewish teachings about animals.
Schwartz, Richard H., Judaism, Health, Nutrition, and Vegetarianism.
Marblehead, Massachusetts: Micah Publications,1993. (Green Mitzvah Booklet),
addresses Jewish and general health and nutrition issues in a question and
answer form.
Sears, Rabbi David, The Vision of Eden: Animal Welfare and Vegetarianism in
Jewish Law and Mysticism. This unpublished manuscript by a Breslov Chassid
who is the author of Compassion for Humanity in the Jewish Tradtion (Jason
Aronson 1998) is the most comprehensive collection of translations from
original source texts in English thus far, combining Talmudic, Kabbalistic,
and Chassidic erudition with up-to-date information about animal welfare
issues, and the impact of diet on human health and the environment. Also
includes six insightful chapter essays.
Berry, Rynn, Food for the Gods: Vegetarianism and the World's Religions,
Pythagorean Publishers, New York, 1998, 374 pages. Thoughtful and informative
essays by a prominent vegetarian scholar on vegetarianism and nine major
religious traditions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and
Judaism. Each essay is paired with an interview with a vegetarian
representative of that tradition.
Berry, Rynn, Famous Vegetarians and their Favorite Recipes: Lives and
Lore from Buddha to the Beatles, Pythagorean Publishers, New York, 1999
(revised edition), 281 pages. Biographical sketches of 33 famous
vegetarians, including religious figures such as the Buddha, Lord
Mahavira, Jesus, Leo Tolstoy, and Mahatma Gandhi. Each biography is
followed by vegetarian recipes enjoyed by the subject or (in some
historical instances) known to have been popular in that era.
Carman, Judy, Veggie Soup for the Chicken's Soul: Shameless Visions and
Prayers for World Peace, Inner Peace, and Animal Liberation, Circle of
Compassion Publishing, Lawrence, KS, 2001, 211 pages. Patterned after the
popular "Chicken Soup" series, Veggie Soup draws inspiration from a variety
of spiritual and religious traditions. Includes an excellent
collection of prayers and blessings and a well-written narrative by an
author who believes that "Our destiny is to become Homo Ahimsa."
Available from Circle of Compassion Publishing, P.O. Box 1961, Lawrence, KS,
66044, or
Carse, James, "Memoirs of a Flyfisherman," in The Way of Compassion:
Survival Strategies for a World in Crisis, Martin Rowe, editor, Stealth
Technologies, New York, 1999, pg. 9. Carse, a Professor of Religion at New
York University, discusses the ways that we become desensitized to the truth
that animals, including fish, are sentient "creatures of God." He calls upon
us not to lose our sense of "the mystery of their being."
Kasten, Deborah. Feeding the Body, Nourishing the Soul. Berkeley, California:
Conari Press, 1997. Discussions of spiritual values of the world's religions
and traditions related to foods.
Kowalski, Gary, The Souls of Animals, Stillpoint Publishing, Walpole,
NH, 1991, 114 pages. A Unitarian-Universalist minister examines
questions such as "Are animals aware of death?" "Do animals know right from
wrong?" and "Are Animals conscious of themselves?" He concludes that
"Animals, like us, are living souls. They are not things. They are not
objects . . . With us they share the gifts of consciousness and life."
Kowalski, Gary, The Bible According to Noah: Theology as if Animals
Mattered, Lantern Books, New York, 2001, 122 pages. Each chapter opens with a
passage from the Bible, such as the creation story or the story of Noah,
followed by a discussion of the issues which the story raises regarding our
relationship to animals, and then concludes with a
retelling of the scriptural passage modified to incorporate insights
from the discussion.
Murti, Vasu, They Shall Not Hurt or Destroy: Moral and Theological
Objections to the Human Exploitation of Nonhuman Animals, Vasu Murti,
Oakland, CA, undated, 199 pages. Primarily an extensive survey of
Biblical and Christian teaching in defense of animals. Also includes
chapters on ancient Greece, Islam, and Baha'i. An outstanding
sourcebook. Available from Vasu Murti, 30 Villanova Lane, Oakland, CA,
94611 and online through PETA's website: click here.
Phelps, Norm, "Why the Animals Need Religion," in The Animals' Agenda,
Kim Stallwood, editor-in-chief, September/October, 1999, pg. 42. The
Fund for Animals' spiritual outreach director argues that in order to
succeed the animal protection movement must reach out proactively to
organized religion.
Phelps, Norm, Love for All Creatures: Frequently Asked Questions about the
Bible and Animal Rights, The Fund for Animals, New York, 2001, 27 pages.
Phelps provides concise and credible answers to questions like "Didn't God
give us dominion over animals?" "Didn't God give humanity permission to use
animals for food?" "Weren't Jesus' disciples fishers" and "Didn't Saint Paul
say that Christians who are vegetarians have 'weak faith?'" Cites both Jewish
and Christian authorities and scholars.
Phelps, Norm, The Dominion of Love: Animal Rights According to the
Bible, Lantern Books, New York, 2002. Takes a three-pronged approach by: 1)
showing that animal rights flow naturally from the Bible's message of love
and compassion; 2) examining the Bible's most important passages dealing with
our relationship to animals; and 3) responding to defenses of animal
exploitation that are often made on the basis of the Bible. Includes an
extensive index of Biblical passages relating to animals.
Randour, Mary Lou, Animal Grace: Entering a Spiritual Relationship with
Our Fellow Creatures, New World Library, Novato, CA, 2000, 167 pages. In this
elegant meditation on the inter-relatedness of our spiritual development and
our relationship with animals, Dr. Randour, a
professional psychologist, draws on both Eastern and Western spiritual
Regenstein, Lewis G., Replenish the Earth: A History of Organized
Religion's Treatment of Animals and Nature - Including the Bible's
Message of Conservation and Kindness toward Animals, The Crossroad
Publishing Company, New York, 1991, 304 pages. An accessibly written
survey from Genesis to 1990 by an environmental and animal protection
activist. The main emphasis is on Christianity, but there is a long chapter
on Judaism and shorter chapters on Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, and
Rosen, Steven, Diet for Transcendence: Vegetarianism and the World
Religions, Torchlight Publishing, Badger, CA, 1997, 135 pages. A highly
readable survey of vegetarianism and animal protection in the teachings of
Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism, and
Hinduism by a vegetarian scholar with a strong background in both Eastern and
Western religions. Originally published in 1987 by Bala Books as Food for the
Walters, Kerry S. and Lisa Portness, Religious Vegetarianism: From
Hesiod to the Dalai Lama, State University of New York Press, Albany,
2001, 203 pages. Excerpts from writings on vegetarianism as spiritual
practice from Orphism/Pythagoreanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam. |
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